Tag Archives: Snacks


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Here are some of the meals you can make out of Oat Meal

  • Peanut Butter Banana Oats with Flax seed : This definitely sounds expensive and time consuming but it only takes 15 minutes in the making and saves pocket money as well.

Can also be used with any fruit based on your choice, but I prefer it with banana.

 INGREDIENTS- 1 cup of oat meal, jar or a container, Peanut butter, banana, honey or sugar (whichever is more convenient) and most importantly Milk. We can make it at night and consume in the morning ,you can mix it well and store it in your fridge.  

  • Oats (split green gram)moong dal pakoda : We all crave delicacies, and this recipe is for people who don’t like oats but are definitely into pakodas.

INGREDIENTS– 2 Cups of Oats(white), 1/2 cup of split green gram (aka moong dal), diced onions, Parsley, chopped onions, salt(as much as you like)

Now comes the part where you have to cook it. So, here is the direction:

  1. Wash and boil till the green gram is soft
  2. Roast Oats till its kinda golden
  3. Then Grind green gram and then mix it well with roasted oats
  4. After that mix the Ingredients all together(mentioned)
  5. Shape it as you desire
  6. You can Bake it in a pre-heated oven or you can simple use a non-stick frying pan till it is golden brown.
  • Calories: Around 150-200 g
  • Protein: 5-15 g
  • Total Fat: 4 g

All these depends on the amount of it you consume in one sitting. Besides you can always eat more because who doesn’t Love padokas anyway.

Stay tuned for Part 2