Tag Archives: Healthy

Which bread is better for weight loss: White, brown, or multigrain

Bread is a staple food. Every household in the world has it and it is one of the most ancient foods in the world.
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The top breakfast choice for many people remains bread, despite all the options available. Besides tasting good, bread is also time-saving.

Moreover, there are many varieties of bread available which makes it hard to decide which is the healthiest. White, brown, and multi-grain are the most popular types. A diet or a weight loss or maintenance regimen makes it difficult to make choices.

A high carbohydrate diet can result in the accumulation of fat in the body. Despite some kinds of bread actually aiding weight loss. Those who want to lose weight should consider eating fiber-rich, vitamin-and-mineral-rich bread.

This article discusses three types of bread that you should know about if you are trying to lose pounds.

  1. White bread 
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While it’s the most common bread available, it is also the least nutritious. There are no valuable nutrients in this highly processed food.

Diabetic patients and weight watchers should avoid the bread due to its high glycemic index. In addition, it contains a lot of calories, which may actually derail your fitness goals.

  1. Multi-grain bread
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It contains barley, wheat, oats, corn, buckwheat, millet and flaxseeds. Fiber and other healthy nutrients are abundant in it. These factors make it an ideal weight loss product. In doing so, it prevents binge eating by keeping you fuller for longer.

Choosing brown or multigrain bread will help you lose weight. Those on weight watchers and diabetics should abstain from eating white bread.

NOTE: For people who are health conscious should always check the ingredients which are present in such Bread, whether it is Brown or Multi-Grain Bread. It can help you track your calorie intake and other nutritional content if you read labels and know which ingredients are in the food. 

  1. Brown Bread- 
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White bread is superior to brown bread, also called whole wheat bread. Choose whole-grain bread because it’s nutritionally beneficial. Brown bread contains fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it an excellent healthy food.

Keeping blood sugar levels in check, regulating bowel movements, and reducing cholesterol are all benefits of this supplement. Furthermore, high-quality foods reduce hypertension, stroke risk, gastrointestinal disorder, and obesity. As well as being low in calories, it is also low in carbohydrates.

Top High-Protein Vegetarian BBQ Recipes- PART 1

Tofu Peanut Satay and Cucumber Kebabs 

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With tofu, peanuts, and coconut combined, I’ve come up with a refreshing summertime dish that pairs perfectly with tofu, cucumber ribbons, and mint. Slathering the skewers in the spicy satay sauce is a great way to make them taste incredible.


Cut 1 block of firm tofu into your preferred shape and size

A long thin ribbon of a cucumber peeled | cut the cucumber into thin slices and don’t forget Capsicum!

Marinate the tofu as follows:

Peanut butter, 1 tablespoon

Add 3 tablespoons of tamari (or soy sauce)

2 Tablespoons sesame oil

A couple of tablespoons of maple syrup

1 clove garlic, chopped 

The Satay Sauce contains the following ingredients:

Coconut milk, 1/4 cup

Peanut butter, 3 tablespoons

Lime juice, 1 tbsp

Two tablespoons of soy sauce

2 teaspoons maple syrup

Garlic clove, 1 small clove

Ginger garlic paste, according to your taste

You can add a touch of hot sauce or a pinch of red pepper flakes if you like (optional)

Salt to taste

Follow these directions:

1. For 10-15 minutes, marinate the tofu in the marinade in a bowl.

2. In the meantime, thoroughly wash the cucumber off. From top to bottom, peel long, thin ribbons of carrot with a vegetable peeler. You should have a thin long cucumber strip. Snack on leftover cucumber sticks when you have leftover cucumbers.

3. Satay sauce is made by stirring together the ingredients.

4. Make skewers with the tofu marinated. Prepare wooden skewers by soaking them in water first.

5. You can lightly oil your skewers with a couple of teaspoons of coconut oil after placing them on your grill. 3-4 minutes on each side should be enough to brown the tofu.

6. The tofu cube should be removed from each skewer after it has cooked. Interchanging tofu and cucumber ribbons, begin threading cucumber ribbons. So that the cucumber can be threaded onto the Kebab, you will need to fold it back and forth several times.

7. Chop peanuts and drizzle sweet soy glaze over the salad. Alternatively, every Kebab can be dipped in satay sauce.

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The Gobi also known as  Cauliflower Kebabs with Sesame Seeds, Commonly known as the Gobi Manchurian

Photo by Alesia Kozik on Pexels.com

Here’s a clever and delicious way to consume more cauliflower, a versatile and high-antioxidant veggie. These sticky, sweet, and spicy skewers require some prep work before hitting the grill, but the end result is definitely worth it. 

Twenty minutes are required for preparation

45 minutes to cook

Served in three to four portions

You’ll need:

Chopped Gobi also known as cauliflower, size it according to your choice, small, large Medium 

Marinade Gobi (Cauliflower) with:

Gluten-free flour

You will need one cup of dairy-free milk

One-fourth teaspoon of sea salt

Adding a pinch of pepper

A BBQ sauce is made from the following:

Crushed tomatoes peaure, one cup

Two tablespoons of molasses

Four teaspoons of soy sauce

smoked paprika

Add as much hot sauce as you wish (depending on your preference)

Approximately 1 teaspoon garlic powder

Salt as per your taste

As a topping:

Slice two green onions

Chopped Capsicum 

One-fourth cup of sesame seeds (this is Important)

Follow these Directions:

1. Put two baking sheets lined with parchment paper in the oven and preheat it to 400oF.

2. Prepare the Gobi  aka cauliflower by chopping it into desired pieces using the capsicum 

3. Whisk flour, milk, sea salt, and pepper together in a bowl.

4. Place the cauliflower florets on the baking sheet, coating each one in the flour mixture and not overcrowding. Bake for 20 minutes until the outside is crisp.

5. Meanwhile, make the BBQ sauce by combining all of the ingredients in a small saucepan. Bring it to a simmer and let cook for 15 minutes, stirring every so often, until it thickens.

6. Pour the BBQ sauce over the cauliflower and sprinkle it with sesame seeds after it has cooled. The sauce left over from the skewers can be served on the side.

7. Using a skewer, arrange three to four cauliflower florets. Make sure you soak wooden skewers before using them.

8. Make sure your grill is heated to medium and well oiled. The cauliflower only needs to be grilled 4 minutes per side, without covering.

9. Add chopped green onions and Dhaniya to meat after it has been grilled. Top with an extra sprinkle of sesame seeds, Peanut. Make sure you have extra BBQ sauce on hand.

Photo by Alesia Kozik on Pexels.com


Eat These 8 High-Protein Plant-Based Sources Right Now!

Your body requires nutrients to function effectively when you consume a balanced diet. You are more likely to become ill, infected, fatigued, and perform poorly without balanced nutrition.

Poor academic performance, growth and development problems, and frequent infections may result from children who do not consume enough healthy foods.

As well as developing unhealthy eating habits, they can carry them into adulthood.

Vegetables high in protein: Protein transports proteins like hemoglobin and oxygen to all body cells, or specialized proteins like vitamins and minerals to the body cells that need them.

In today’s article, we will be exploring a basic yet often overlooked food that we need in our diet. Here are eight vegetables that are simple to prepare.

Load up on essential nutrients to keep your body healthy. Protein is a nutrient that the body requires in abundance. In the human body, proteins play an important role as large, complex molecules. Each and every cell of your body needs it to remain healthy and strong. Your skin, hair, fingernails, bones, blood, and cartilage are all taken care of by this substance. The functioning of protein in our bodies can be explained as follows. Proteins: Why Do We Need Them? It is proteins that convey oxygen and vitamins to our cells through hemoglobin or specialized proteins that carry minerals and vitamins to cells that need them. What Are Protein’s Sources? In addition to eggs, poultry, milk, and fish, there are a few vegetables that are high in protein you should take notice of as well. 

There are some amazing plant-based proteins you ought to consider adding to your diet daily

1. Mushrooms

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The proteins in mushrooms are sufficient, but they do not contain complete molecules of protein. As a result, their bodies are deprived of amino acids they cannot produce on their own. Combining mushrooms with foods that provide the missing amino acids can make mushrooms a complete protein source. To make it a complete protein and healthy meal, you can mix mushrooms with broccoli or even corn.

2. Broccoli

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In spite of its low-calorie content and low-fat content, broccoli provides an adequate amount of protein. Healthy bodies benefit from its nutrient-rich ingredients, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

3. Peas

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Peas provide a substantial amount of fiber and vegetarian protein. As a matter of fact, these little treats are fat-free and cholesterol-free. You need to incorporate peas into your diet if you haven’t done so already. All good things taste better with peas in them! In addition to pea protein supplements, there are many others available on the market. 

4. Chickpeas also known as Garbanzo Beans

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The amount of protein in one cup (boiled from dried) is 14.53 grams

Hummus’ main component is chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans. They work well in a variety of dishes due to their mild flavor and nutty taste.

Use chickpeas in curries, soups, and vegetable bowls as a snack or as a staple in your cooking.

5. Lentils 

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Legumes are legumes such as lentils. These tiny legumes are red, brown, black, and green in color, grow in pods, and resemble tiny beans. Protein and fiber are also abundant in them.

For the vast majority of people around the world, lentils are an affordable source of high-quality protein because of their speed and ease of preparation.

6. Asparagus

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 The vegetable asparagus has a high nutrient content and is one of the richest sources of protein. It also contains copper, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, and B vitamins. In addition to grilling, boiling, steaming, and pan-frying asparagus, it can also be steamed.

7. Kidney Beans Also known as Rajma

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Known for their distinctive colors, kidney beans are a variety of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), a bean native to Central America and Mexico.

Common beans are a major source of protein and a major food crop around the world.

Cooked kidney beans are commonly served as side dishes in various traditional dishes. Raw or improperly prepared kidney beans can be unhealthy for a diet that’s well balanced 

There are many colors and patterns to choose from, including white, cream, black, red, purple, spotted, striped, and mottled.

8. Spinach 

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The superfood spinach is packed with nutrients. Nutritious, low-calorie, and packed with tons of nutrients. It is important to eat dark, leafy greens such as spinach to keep your skin, hair, and bones healthy. As well as providing protein, iron, vitamins, and minerals, they contain a variety of nutrients.

People with diabetes may benefit from consuming spinach because it decreases their risk of cancer and improves their bone health, as well as providing a range of minerals and vitamins.

Many cultures throughout history have used spinach as a food product. This includes cultures of the Mediterranean, Middle-East, and South-East Asia. Due to its ease of preparation and low cost, it can easily be incorporated into a variety of diets.


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Here are some of the meals you can make out of Oat Meal

  • Peanut Butter Banana Oats with Flax seed : This definitely sounds expensive and time consuming but it only takes 15 minutes in the making and saves pocket money as well.

Can also be used with any fruit based on your choice, but I prefer it with banana.

 INGREDIENTS- 1 cup of oat meal, jar or a container, Peanut butter, banana, honey or sugar (whichever is more convenient) and most importantly Milk. We can make it at night and consume in the morning ,you can mix it well and store it in your fridge.  

  • Oats (split green gram)moong dal pakoda : We all crave delicacies, and this recipe is for people who don’t like oats but are definitely into pakodas.

INGREDIENTS– 2 Cups of Oats(white), 1/2 cup of split green gram (aka moong dal), diced onions, Parsley, chopped onions, salt(as much as you like)

Now comes the part where you have to cook it. So, here is the direction:

  1. Wash and boil till the green gram is soft
  2. Roast Oats till its kinda golden
  3. Then Grind green gram and then mix it well with roasted oats
  4. After that mix the Ingredients all together(mentioned)
  5. Shape it as you desire
  6. You can Bake it in a pre-heated oven or you can simple use a non-stick frying pan till it is golden brown.
  • Calories: Around 150-200 g
  • Protein: 5-15 g
  • Total Fat: 4 g

All these depends on the amount of it you consume in one sitting. Besides you can always eat more because who doesn’t Love padokas anyway.

Stay tuned for Part 2

You Can Try These Protein-rich Lunch Ideas

It is understandable if you don’t have time to leave your desk for ten minutes during the workday. When your schedule is endless and you have little time left, eating may be the last thing you think of. You need to understand one thing, however. Food is essential for your body to function, and without it your brain would not have enough fuel to function. Consequently, skipping lunch may not be the best idea to save the day. The opposite is likely to happen. You may also end up sabotaging your weight loss plans by skipping lunch. 

You are likely to eat whatever comes in your way later in the day if you starve yourself during lunch. It would be even harder for you to maintain a healthy weight if you were surrounded by sugary and fattening snacks at your workplace. How would you approach such a situation? Fill your lunchbox with protein-rich dishes that you can make yourself! 

Biological building blocks are called proteins. For weight loss, a high protein diet plays a very crucial role. High protein foods increase levels of appetite-reducing hormones and reduce levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, making you crave less, thereby aiding weight loss. Here are 6 protein-rich lunch ideas you can try: 

  •   Paneer Bhurji 
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This easy to create dish will leave you feeling satisfied and filled with the goodness of protein-dense cottage cheese, tomatoes, and Kasuri methi. This delicacy will make your day. 

Paneer bhurji is packed with the goodness of protein-dense cottage cheese

  • Stir-fried or baked tofu with rice

Tofu, a product made by fermenting soy milk, is high in iron, calcium, and protein. The goodness of ginger, garlic, olive oil, shallots, honey, and olives characterize this easy vegetarian Chinese dish. 

Iron and calcium are found in abundance in tofu.

  •   Salad with beans

Whoever said salads are boring has never had the chance  to experience to mix it with beans. Served with sweet sauces and a host of tangy flavors that are sure to delight you, this salad is a delicious combo of dried beans, tomatoes, and capsicum. 

Dried beans are used in this delicious salad

  • Chicken shawarma made with low-fat ingredients
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How can this shawarma be low-fat? A swathe of leafy and nutritional lettuce replaces pita bread. This healthy shawarma is filled with tomato, onion, chilies, and a yogurt-based sauce that has a sweet taste and a tangy texture.

Easy and quick to make, this recipe is full of protein! 

Those who don’t eat non-vegetarian food, I have you covered!

  •  Sweet Potato And Quinoa Bowl 

The goodness of sweet potatoes, coconut, nuts, and quinoa make this one-pot meal light and delicious. If you want something healthy, filling, and tasty but don’t want to spend much time in the kitchen, this protein-rich lunch recipe is perfect for you. 

Quinoa contains significant amounts of protein.

  • Oats Khichdi
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That’s right! You heard correctly! Khichdi made with oats! Are you aware that 100 grams of oats contain 17 grams of protein? You may be able to lose weight with this delicious and filling recipe. 

 It is possible to enjoy and fulfill one’s hunger through food. We should not feel like we are punishing our bodies, all we have to do is to listen to our own bodies and enjoy every meal we eat. So what are you waiting for?  For each working day of the week, I have included six recipes. 

Happy Cooking!

Health Benefits of Ragi | Millets

  • Ragi: A Wonder Grain
  • The southern Indian country of India, along with many African countries, consumes a lot of finger millet or ragi. The wonder grain has been hailed for assisting with weight loss. In addition to being rich in calcium, it is also high in fiber. 
  • The early 1950s were the golden age of whole grains like ragi, brown rice, and barley, which were organically grown and considered a traditional diet in India until rice began to become the dominant crop. People suffering from diabetes and normal people should consume ragi to prevent many diseases. The explosion of choices in the market has led to the disappearance of ragi for most teens. 
  • We will, however, be focusing our attention on the benefits and wonders that Ragi can provide in the long run.

Some of the health benefits of ragi include:

1. Contains high levels of protein:

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In ragi, the main protein component is Eleusinian, which has lots of biological benefits. Vegans often eat this protein as it is considered a healthy source of protein and helps prevent malnutrition. Ragi contains 5% methionine in its total protein content. Ragi has a long history of cultivation and can withstand harsh weather conditions as well as growing at high altitudes. Most dietitians regard ragi as the most nutritious food grain due to its high carbohydrates content. This makes ragi a great alternative to other grains because it cannot be polished like other grains.

2. Weight Loss with Ragi:

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As a high-fiber food, Ragi keeps you full and prevents you from cravings. Losing weight is made easier with this method. Taking ragi in the morning is the best time to consume it. Among the amino acids found in Ragi is Tryptophan, which is proven to help you lose weight. You feel less hungry when you take tryptophan because it reduces your appetite.

3. Keeping your skin young:

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Ragi is a great anti-aging agent and a natural skin care product. As an amino acids, Methionine and Lysine are powerful anti-rashes, wrinkle, and dullness fighting compounds in ragi. You can ward off the signs of aging due to the antioxidants found in ragi. You look fresh and healthy since the skin cells are rejuvenated. In addition to Vitamin E, Ragi has antioxidant properties that are beneficial to the skin. Body wounds benefit from vitamin E’s natural healing properties. Skin growth is enabled by the lubrication of the skin, which forms a protective layer.

4. The Benefits of Ragi for your Hair:

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Hair loss can be prevented by consuming ragi, which is rich in proteins. Hair loss sufferers are highly recommended to use it. Because hair itself is made of protein, it requires lots of protein. Hair is mainly composed of keratin. In order to prevent hair loss, you should start eating ragi. Ragi strengthens hair and reduces hair loss.

Ragi is also said to prevent premature greying of hair. The oxidation of tissues typically leads to grey hair, and the antioxidants found in ragi prevent the damage to tissues, so it is better to prevent grey hair from occurring. 

5. Ragi is loaded with calcium:

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The calcium content of ragi is unparalleled among cereals. Human bones require calcium for development and for prevention of osteoporosis, or fragility of the bones. It is suggested to drink Ragi Kanji (ragi porridge) rather than popping calcium pills.

6.Prevents Diabetes:

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Diabetes can be reduced by consuming ragi regularly. It is because ragi contains dietary fibre and polyphenols. In comparison with other whole wheat grains, Ragi has an incredible amount of fibre. Ragi helps to lower your blood sugar levels and stabilize your glucose levels if consumed regularly. In effect, Ragi absorbs starch from the body and lowers digestibility. Ragi is a natural appetite suppressant, which is why most people who consume it rarely feel hungry.

7. Good Digestive Health:

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As part of ragi’s fiber content, it aids in digestion. Ragi improves the movement of food in your body, such that, it smoothens the flow of food through your intestines and retains the water in your body for the purpose of waste excretion. The high nutritional value of ragi makes it an excellent health food. Ragi dishes can be a tasty way to stay healthy and relish different flavors. Healthy cereals like these can be eaten all day long for a variety of reasons, from dosas to ragi balls to energy bars.

The Five Components of Health-Related Physical Fitness

 The five components of health-related physical fitness

Fitness centers, health club memberships, and school systems often use these five components of physical fitness to assess whether or not we are in top shape. In terms of total fitness, there are five components:

  • Cardiac Endurance
  • Strength of the Muscles
  • Muscular endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Body Composition

The ability of the body to perform well across all components of physical fitness as a whole defines total fitness. A bench press that can lift one’s body weight is not enough. A mile or two will also require you to determine your stamina.

  1. Cardiovascular endurance can be described as the ability to do exercises that require the use of all your body parts while maintaining moderate or high intensity over an extended period. Getting better at cardiovascular endurance can help you accomplish more of your daily tasks. Diabetes, heart disease, and stroke can also be prevented with its help. 

Aerobic exercise has beneficial effects

Increasing your heart rate and breathing rate, as well as aerobic exercise, can improve your cardiovascular endurance. The most important aspect of fitness is aerobic exercise, according to many experts. For cardiovascular endurance, it is recommended that you exercise every day for 30 minutes for 3 to 7 days.

Exercises that involve aerobic activity cause your body to respond in the following ways:

  • Heart pumping efficiency is increased.
  • Improved lung function.
  • You experience a reduction in heart rate at rest.
  • More blood is pumped out of your heart.
  • You gain muscle strength.
  • It makes your bones, ligaments, and tendons stronger.
  • As a fuel source, fat is more efficient than carbohydrates. 
  1. Muscle Strength- Lifting and carrying heavy objects require this “power.” Body weakness and inability to cope with demands would result if you did not have muscular strength. Training with heavy weights and doing 15 reps or more per set is the best way to increase strength. Weights heavier than your body weight should require fewer repetitions.
  2. Muscular endurance- 

Endurance is the ability of your muscles to perform contractions for extended periods of time. Rather than just lifting or carrying something for a few seconds, the muscles are used for minutes. The way to increase strength is to train with light weights, working in the 20 – 25 rep range. Working with a lighter weight will train the muscle fibers needed for muscular endurance, and the higher rep range leads to a longer period of exercise.

  1. Flexibility- 

Flexible movements are crucial to fitness but are often ignored. A lack of flexibility in the muscles and joints prevents them from moving freely and makes them stiff.

 By training your flexibility, you ensure your body is able to move throughout its entire range of motion. Try to touch your toes while leaning forward to test your flexibility. 

When people have good flexibility, they can typically reach their toes, while those with limited flexibility cannot. Flexibility can also be assessed by the sit and reach test (sitting on the floor and reaching for your toes). You will be able to touch your toes and beyond as your flexibility increases.

  1. Body Composition-

This metric indicates how much lean tissue (muscle, bone, fluid, etc.) there is in the body. When the rest of the health-related fitness components improve, not only does the body composition change but so do eating habits. A more detailed discussion is provided in the chapter on weight management and healthy eating.

In addition to health, fitness also includes aspects that are related to sports performance. In addition to power, speed, agility, balance, and coordination, they are called skill-related components of fitness or motor fitness. We will mainly focus on the components of fitness that pertain to physical health in this class.