Eating habits tells a lot about you and the people you live with, because if you care for yourself 100% you’ll be taking care of your surroundings as well, vegan food is not just some veggies but it’s a blend of several other nutrition packed dishes in one.  With everyone fighting obesity and trying to stay fit and eat healthy, it’s hard to maintain our food habits with daily life choices. These are some of the dishes you can try on your own. Best part of it you can choose ingredients of your own.

  • The Poke bowl

These bowls are named Poke bowls because we can choose our own ingredients and are filled with ingredients rich in vitamins, low in calories, and full of protein it doesn’t take much time either.

These bowls are named Poke bowls because we can choose our own ingredients and are filled with ingredients rich in vitamins, low in calories, and full of protein it doesn’t take much time either.

INGRIDIENTS: Tofu or Paneer, Mushrooms, Nori seeds, Tomato, Capsicum (red, yellow or green any of your choice),Broccoli,  brown rice or white (your choice), tempeh (soy) and Edamame (immature soybeans).

Cauliflower with rice and sushi rolls (avocado + fruit):

often when it comes to sushi we think it takes years of practice to make one or only selected restaurants make some. So problem is basically solved with homemade veg-sushi rolls.

often when it comes to sushi we think it takes years of practice to make one or only selected restaurants make some. So problem is basically solved with homemade veg-sushi rolls.

INGREDIENTS: Avocado( is one of the most nutritious  sliced cauliflower, carrots, any fruit, rice, “nori wraps” or people can add dough which is easily available to make chapatti or roti. These sushi rolls can be used with different fruits and if avocado is not available then people can use kiwi or pineapple as a substitute.


Vegan diet is full of vitamins, fiber, unsaturated fat etc, which acts as a shield and helps us from various diseases, and also helps in stabilizing blood pressure and keep us thin.

  • A vegetarian food help in lowering body fat as well as helps us to lower the fear of obese.
  • It reduces the risk of food poisoning.
  • Food is mostly available in markets and is lower in price.
  • As people nowadays have diabetic problems and has no age group, several vegetarian food controls and helps in preventing diabetes.

For main grocery shopping we can always buys veggies straight from the market or from the farmers who are mainly found in Bazaars as they provide fresh and cost effect goods.


Tips and Tricks for Pet Owners


Our lil’ devils are far more precious than any other human being in our lives to be honest, heck some of us would even take a bullet for them even if they do stupid stuffs most of the time but that’s just a tiny price we pay for the bundle of joy in our lifetime.

Here are some Tips and Tricks for you people who love pets or own a pet.

  • Pets like dogs can get severe damage if they take excess amount of protein in their diet, which is typical in nature, where the protein break down misleads or misidentify proteins as a threat, as products like beef, chicken or red meat takes time to digest and also these threats takes long time to be diagnosed before any symptoms occurs.
  • When it comes to our pet’s healthy lifestyle there is nothing more important than providing them with right nutrients such as veggies, raw vegetables, which can provide better immune system with antioxidants.
  • Pure foods which are unadulterated and fresh which are moisture dense in nature are must have in our pets diet. Products which does not need/contains any artificial ingredients or by-products’. Can help in digestion and on the contrary will help in battling indigestion.
  • Pets needs daily physical workouts or movements and needs to be active in order to keep the muscles in progress and to avoid obese or overweight, unfortunately some people tend to buy pets just for enjoyment but pets need our uttermost love and most importantly time, so people who cannot take time for their pets should not keep them and should give it to someone who can really”needs” pets, as “wanting” a pet will only give joy to the person but pets can easily move in depression.
  • Enriching or enhancing surroundings: Cats or kitten especially needs an environment where they can climb to the high stop or jumping and hunting for prey( sponge balls ) can have them eliminate stress or any anxiety issues.
  • Use plastic pitchers to store foods, which is easy to use and can be use to pour food and store conveniently.
  • Sprinkling parsley is an easy to keep pet’s food to freshen up the breath.
  • For easy treats in warm climate we can store apple slices with chicken soup/broth in an ice cube tray as well.
  • Using shower caps would help while shower time in order to prevent soap water to get into eyes and ears.
  • To remove pet hairs from anywhere use a rubber glove and run your hand over the particular area.
  • As the owner of two dogs in order to clean dog urine from rugs or carpets I would advise people to use baking soda which would remove stains and removes odour as well.




The impact of packaging goes way beyond the impact of waste treatments, and as a consumer it is the only process we are aware of. Around third of all domestic waste is typical packaging; this has a heavy impact on environment. There are several friendly products which are rapidly growing in popularity and will soon be used instead of plastics, some consumers even use biodegradable goods but we should keep that in mind disposable cups or products are made up of trees, which needs to be manufactured, transported and disposed off, which also create pollution. There are many more alternatives to save our precious environment.

Here is some packaging ideas based on two, very commonly used products which could help in making our earth greener and safer for our future generations.

  • GREEN MATERIALS FROM BAMBOOBamboos has been used from a very long time from building materials to using as utensils in the house, and it environmental friendly too, now people would wonder how cutting a bamboo tree would help in sustaining the environment, and the answer is that bamboo grows fast and can be used for at least 3-4 years.
  • Also bamboo has high productivity which can be used in many ways from storing water as we store in plastic bottles.
  • Bamboos construction helps in lowering carbon emissions which is related to transportation.
  • Bamboos are easy to cultivate, so cutting and growing up a new bamboo will be easier.
  • Bamboos products which include textiles, woven mats and furniture, food and accessories generally used by women, paper, table spoons etc.

But despite with having so many qualities, bamboos does have some problems too, which includes short services provided by the particular goods by bamboo and etc as these problems can be sorted out by taking care of it with some little cost effective measures.

Another Natural packaging material in my opinion is “Banana leaves “  as many knows how important these fruit are but not everyone knows how sustainable their leaves can be, Here are some of the usage of banana leaves:

  • I have studied and graduated from Bengaluru where some restaurants used to take the traditional approach, so instead of plastic plates or so, the leaves of the banana tree were often used by many traditional restaurants, which looks more dynamic and attractive in nature.
  • Banana leaf can be often used a material for cooking rice or fish or any other dishes too. Personally what i have experienced is a fried fish in banana leaf which gives it more flavors and helps the local people too. Which is a common practice in south India.
  • Banana leaves can be also used for takeover in meal prep, where many use plastic materials.


  • Banana leaf can use as to wrap food instead of paper like: instead of paper to wrap a roll, we can use leaf to roll it


As people don’t often realize how much damage plastic has caused to our surroundings, which is why living our life using these alternatives will help us and the environment to keep safe and sound.